Become an expert in your own body and mind.

Have your periods started to effect your personal life, work, relationships, confidence and overall quality of life?

Are they debilitating and painful?

Have you been forced to take time off work or cancel social engagements with friends because the physical/ emotional symptoms are too intense that you’re left curled over in bed, clinging onto your hot water bottle, waiting for the pain to subside and go away?

Women continue to face multiple experiences of not being listened to by healthcare professionals. They feel like their symptoms (physical, emotional & mental) aren’t taken seriously and are dismissed quickly, often resulting in them being prescribed a hormonal contraceptive or antidepressant to keep the pain and symptoms at bay.

This approach does not target and address the root underlying cause, nor does it take into account that symptoms and conditions manifest differently for each person and in each individual body.

Women have to persistently advocate for themselves just to secure a diagnosis (which can take multiple visits, over years and years) - prolonging access to services and preventative care, effective treatment, and optimal support.

Health education, including menstrual education, is one of the most effective ways to help women learn about their bodies and experience better quality of life.

I find it really difficult to see women struggling with the same symptoms that I faced - PMS, bloating and discomfort, acne, weight gain, low mood, anxiety and poor self-esteem. Feeling overwhelmed and anxious, not knowing where to look or who to turn to for help.

Hi! I’m Ellie and I’m a holistic Health and Wellbeing Coach from London, specialising in women’s hormone and menstrual health.

I show women how to work with their bodies & monthly cycles so they can experience optimal health (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) and an enhanced quality of life - free from painful, destabilising and debilitating hormonal symptoms and/or conditions that are preventing them from feeling their best and living life to the fullest.

I provide businesses a holistic approach to growth and wellbeing by providing educational talks and workshops that combine my passions for women’s hormone health, wellbeing and holistic self-care to liberate and empower the workforce and prepare future female leaders for success - both personally and professionally.

“Ellie made me feel super comfortable from the get-go. She is super knowledgeable about PCOS and nutrition in general and I learnt a lot from our short time together.”

Yasmin, London.

I care deeply about educating women on the role hormones have to play on general health and wellbeing because, when we understand how hormones work and their different characteristics - we gift ourselves the opportunity to regain control of our health and emotions, reverse symptoms of hormonal imbalance, and become experts in our own bodies and minds.

My own individual journey drives my passion in women’s health and was the catalyst for me training to become a Health Coach. I am committed to sharing my extensive knowledge in hormonal and menstrual health, touching on my own individual experiences to deliver important conversations in the workplace that build inclusive, safe, comforting and educational environments for women to work and thrive in.

From mastering the menstrual cycle as a unique self-care tool; learning how to use food and movement to compliment and nurture different stages of the menstrual cycle; how to soothe and protect the nervous system, and how to optimise and improve sleep so women can feel their best.

Let’s Talk

Give your female workforce the support they need to thrive.

To book or register interest in any of my Business Masterclasses or events, please email ellie@elliejordancoaching.com or submit an online booking form here.

Masterclasses can be tailored to focus on specific areas of interest in Women’s Health to accommodate and support your unique business/ brand.

Please submit your requests via the online booking form.

(Free 30-minute consultation required before booking.)

Bookings open for 2024.